
吻我吧!親愛的 - 看見愛情的樣子(07

在去年( 2010 )的 Ray’s Dance Vision 發表會中,我放了一首拉丁節奏的舞 -「波莎諾瓦」,配用的曲子是「 Blame It On the Bossa Nova 」,在同一張專輯 CD 當中,另外一首老歌新唱的歌曲「 Kiss Me Honey,Honey Kiss Me 」,由於節奏和段落架構很漂亮,也同樣引起我的注意,這就是今年( 2011 )發表會當中的「吻我吧!親愛的」。


這首早在 1959 年就大紅特紅的曲子,用字遣詞簡易單純,同時兼顧押韻,即使未看過歌詞,就著音樂,都能跟著哼哼唱唱;但若細看歌詞,會發現在那個年代,這算得上夠「先進」了!



Kiss me, honey, honey, kiss me

Thrill me, honey, honey, thrill me

Don't care even if I blow my top

But, honey, honey, don't stop

I'd like to play a little game with you

A little game especially made for two

If you come close then I will show you how

Closer, closer, now


Kiss me, honey, honey, kiss me

Thrill me, honey, honey, thrill me

Don't care even if I blow my top

But, honey, honey, don't stop


We've never played this little game before

If you relax then you'll enjoy it more

Just settle down and let me teach you how

Closer, closer, now


Kiss me, honey, honey, kiss me

Thrill me, honey, honey, thrill me

Don't care even if I blow my top

But, honey, honey, don't stop

(But, honey, honey, don't stop)


You kiss so well my lips begin to burn

And I can tell I've got a lot to learn

So hold me close and darling show me how

Closer, closer, now


Kiss me, honey, honey, kiss me

Thrill me, honey, honey, thrill me

Don't care even if I blow my top

But, honey, honey, don't stop

(Don't care even if I blow my top)

But, honey, honey, don't stop

(Never stop)


這首舞在發表會是第二首被介紹的舞碼,到了下午復習的時候,倒是發生了一點小插曲,某位 Gentleman 非常有禮貌的邀請某位 Lady (其實都是非常熟識的老朋友)一起下場復習這首舞,只見這位沒弄清楚要跳什麼的 Lady 滿臉親切的笑容,問說:「那一首呀?」,這位 Gentleman 很自然的回答說:「就 --- 」,突然張口結舌講不出話來,可是這位 Lady 可不死心哪!非要問個清楚不可,「你說到底是那一首嘛?」,只見這位 Gentleman 漲紅著臉,很堅決的說:「我忘了!跳就是了嘛!」 ------ ,直到活動結束後,咱們這位 Lady 才晃恍然大悟,不管這位 Gentleman 說中文舞名也好,說英文舞名也好,肯定落人「話柄」成為被消遣的對象,當場笑到東倒西歪!



這位「哥哥」以及這位「姐姐」,小弟可沒指名道姓喲!Haa ------


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